The Necessary First Aid Kit For Hiking

Hiking is an adventurous sport, which usually takes place in the summer, but not necessarily, as some pursue this wonderful activity during the winter months as well. While having a great time you must remember that hiking is a sport where you can easily get injured, therefore, you must always carry a first aid kit for hiking purposes.

Preparing Your First Aid Kit For Hiking

First and foremost, you must find a lightweight container in order to store and carry the supplies, remember you are hiking and that implies you will have everything in your backpack, which is mostly on your back.

A first aid kit for hiking must be compact and contain essential items, which will assist you in need and here are some suggestions: sterile gauze in different sizes with adhesive tape, cloth bandages, which can easily be wrapped around in need, sharp scissors that can easily cut through thick clothes that you might be wearing when hiking but with blunt nose so you don’t hurt yourself in the process, antibiotic cream and spray to sterilize and treat open wounds and gloves for the same.

Usually hikers will carry blankets, as part of their gear and that will be useful when injured as well. Sanitary wipes, pain killers, insect repellant and rubbing alcohol should be part of your gear as well.

Other Helpful Tips

There are ready made first aid kits available in all sizes in department stores and/or hiking stores as well; the first aid kits found in the hiking stores will usually be adequately provided for and all you will have to do is keep replenishing it as needed.

Prevention is always better than cure especially when you are out in the woods hiking and you will be needed to improvise on almost anything and everything should you not have it in your backpack already.

Enjoy the outdoors as much as possible, however, being adequately prepared for it is key to a successful trip full of fun and great memories. Ensure that everyone who is in the hiking team is aware of the first aid kit for hiking available and also if anyone has any special medical condition what treatment or medication is required for the same. Special medication should be clearly marked to avoid confusion.

The first aid kit for hiking should be placed in the hiking bag where it is easily accessible by yourself or others.

First Aid Keeps Pets Healthy And Safe

We often consider keeping first aid kits handy in case one of our kids gets sick or hurt. But what about the four-legged members of our family? Too often, we don’t think about the potential our dogs or cats have for getting sick or injured in our homes or yards. But pets can be just as curious as children, and consequently they can get themselves into the same types of trouble that could require first aid treatment. Having a supply of first aid items for your pets can keep them safe and healthy at home and when you are on the road with them. But before you begin filling a box with supplies, there are some principles of first aid for pets that you need to know.

Administering First Aid To Your Pet

If an animal is injured, even an animal that you have taken care of for years, it can bite if it is stressed from pain. A muzzle for an injured dog is the first course of action before any kind of treatment. If you do not have a muzzle, a makeshift one can be constructed from a piece of cloth. Always check with your veterinarian before giving any type of medication to your pet, since it is difficult to know which are safe. For example, acetaminophen is toxic for cats, whereas ibuprofen can cause kidney failure in dogs. Always carry the phone number for your veterinarian and an emergency center when you are traveling with your pet.

First Aid Items For Pets

Your first aid kit for your pet should include many of the same items you would have in a kit for your family’s use. Bandage material is essential, but instead of the typical white adhesive tape you would use on a person, masking tape will be safer for your pet’s fur. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide makes a good antibacterial application on wounds, but an antibacterial ointment is good to have on hand as well. Scissors, tweezers and eyedroppers are other handy items to keep, and blankets are an important supply as well. Medications like Syrup of Ipecac and activated charcoal can be used in the event of an accidental poisoning, but never administer without the okay from your veterinarian.

Pets need special care in emergencies just like people do. Having the correct first aid supplies for your pet can keep your pet safe and may even save its life.

Feel Confident With First Aid CPR Certificate

You can have a greater feeling of confidence to help people once you have completed proper training and have a valid first aid CPR certificate to prove it. While many organizations offer the proper training, the hands-on final exam is what can give you the confidence to put your knowledge to practical use.

Fire departments, local hospitals, the Red Cross and many nursing schools offer basic first aid instruction and CPR classes, which can be completed in one day, and will provide certification as your abilities. A first aid CPR certificate may be required for certain occupations, but just knowing you can help in an emergency is a comfortable feeling.

There are three types of CPR to be learned including adult, children and infants. While the techniques are similar, there are significant differences related to the ages and the size, which make it slightly different. Pressure point and how much pressure to apply, for example, will be a little different.

Most first aid CPR certificates are valid for one to three years, and refresher courses will need to be taken if you plan to keep your skills sharp and up to date. Classes are available for children, beginning at about age five, which teaches them the basics, as well as how to play safely to avoid the risk of injury. Topics also include hygiene and health habits.

Online Course Are Also Available

There are a few companies that claim to offer first aid CPR certificate courses online, and will give a certificate at the completion of training however there is no hands-on testing to assure the participant has grasped the essential knowledge. These courses are designed for those who don’t believe they have the time to attend a regular class for the hands-on experience.

Teenagers who plan to offer babysitting services may be interested in first aid CPR certificate classes for their age group. This certification may also provide more job opportunities as parent will feel more comfortable leaving their children in the care of someone trained to handle emergencies. Some of the classes offered include handling emergencies, staying calm in the face of emergencies as well as CPR and basic first aid.

Many courses for adults also include training on the use of automated external defibrillators, in case of sudden cardiac arrest. Also, caring for choking victims, conscious or unconscious and rescue breathing is included. All of these lead to a one-year first aid CPR certificate, which can be comforting personally, as well as to your family and neighbors.

Selecting A First Aid Cabinet For The Workplace

As medical emergencies, requiring first aid treatment, is not limited to any particular type of job, a first aid cabinet should be an essential part of any workplace setting. This workplace environment could range from a factory, construction site or office environment. In fact, there are many federal and state regulations that require, under OSHA standards, that a first aid cabinet be supplied in the workplace. But, the overriding factor and availability of a first aid cabinet should be the concern for the safety of the employees.

There are many different sizes of first aid cabinets available on the market. The larger the size of the first aid cabinet the greater amount of first aid supplies that can be stored. Therefore, certain guidelines in selecting and placing the cabinet should be considered. In addition, the choice of a stocked first aid cabinet should contain specific first aid supplies.


When selecting your first aid cabinet for the workplace, there should be certain guidelines considered. Those guidelines considered should be the size of the first aid cabinet, how and where the first aid cabinet is mounted and if there is a specific person in charge.

The greater the size of the first aid cabinet, the more visible it will be to those in the workplace. Also, signage can be placed appropriately to indicate where the cabinet is situated as well as what is inside. Most important of all, in regards to the size, is the quantity and variety of first aid supplies that can be placed in the cabinet. The larger your facility and the number of employees should be in direct proportion to the availability of first aid supplies. First aid cabinets have multiple shelves and a 2 shelf cabinet is considered to be the appropriate size for a workplace that has up to 75 employees.

The cabinet should be conveniently mounted in an area that is identified as being the most accessible for the majority of those in the workplace. Consideration of installing multiple cabinets may be indicated if the facility is expansive.

It is also a good idea to have one person who is specifically responsible for maintaining the cabinet. Their job description would include the role of restocking first aid supplies, to ensure that the cabinet is free from any obstructions and that staff are always reminded of the cabinet’s availability and location.

The Importance Of An Emergency First Aid Kit

Our health is the most important factor that we have to deal with everyday and, in order to do so, we ensure a clean environment at work and in our house. There are, however, many other factors that we don’t take into consideration everyday but for which we must be prepared such as an accident at work or in traffic. Anything can happen, therefore, you must always have an emergency first aid kit handy.

Prepare For The Worst

Prevention is better than cure they say and this is what an emergency first aid kit is designed to do. An emergency first aid kit should be placed in your home, car and place of work as well. If you have a serious medical conditions which will put your life at risk, in case of an accident and in lack of some medication, that is the first thing to include and mention in your emergency first aid kit.

The emergency first aid kits contain standard supplies of bandages, rubbing alcohol, pain killers, antihistamine tables, adhesive bandages of all sizes, disinfectant cream or spray, thermometer, scissors, gloves, safety pins and, if possible, a torch as well.

Where To Buy A Ready Made Emergency First Aid Kit

You can find emergency first aid kits in all major drug and department stores with all the required items included. There are different sizes of emergency first aid kits available as well to fit in your car, office drawer, handbag or bathroom closet.

You can also put together your own first aid kit or simply add to the existent one with other necessary items, which you feel you may need in case of emergency.

Helpful Tips

An emergency first aid kit can save your life or those of others who may be in need, therefore, take the time to put one together for all the places where you spend considerable amounts of time.

It is also essential you keep a first aid manual close by, as well, in case you may come across certain emergencies that you don’t know how to handle. All first aid manuals will have first aid help described for almost all types of emergencies.

In case you should be faced with a real emergency which you don’t know how to handle, the first and most important thing to remember is not to panic and then try to call for help should you not be able to figure how to help the person in need.

Meanwhile, if you ever have the chance and have free time on your hands, try and go through some of the basic first aid procedures which will come extremely handy in case you are faced with an emergency.

Guide To Putting Together A Basic First Aid Kit

Accidents happen all the time or, better said, when you least expect it, therefore, you have to be ready to handle the situation when it occurs as, at times, your life may depend on it.

A basic first aid kit should be made available at all the locations you spend a considerable amount of time at, such as in your house, car or office. A basic first aid kit may not look like much, but in case of an emergency it can actually save your life.

Basic Items For A Basic First Aid Kit

The first thing to do for a first aid kit is to find a container that is moisture resistant and is clearly marked for all to notice as ‘first aid kit’. First aid kit boxes are available ready made, as well, in all drug and department stores or you can put it together yourself.

Here are the basic items that a basic first aid kit should contain at any given time in order to be able to be of any assistance in case of emergency: first aid manual, this is extremely important because there may be times when you are faced with a situation which you cannot resolve by yourself but you can help once you look up in the manual; gloves will help you keep both yourself and the wound you’re dealing with clean, sharp scissors to cut any cloth involved but with blunt nose so it does not hurt anyone in the process.

Sterile gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic cream, hydrocortisone cream, rubbing alcohol and pain killers are must haves in a basic first aid kit. There are more things you can add to it in order to make it complete for your needs such as your prescription medications and any other instructions that you think may help save your life in case of emergency.

Educate Yourself

When you have some time on your hands, and/or if there is anyone in your home with a specific medical condition, try and educate yourself in the area in case of any emergency. First aid in an emergency situation can save a life and can make you feel good to be the one responsible for such a good deed.

When you are not sure of a procedure, it’s better that you check rather than perform it the wrong way, especially if you are doing something really important such as CPR, which, when done wrong, can easily cost someone’s life or serious complications.

Basic first aid kits are meant to provide the basic help until professional assistance arrives, so, get your kit together and learn how to use it in case of emergency, you never know whose life you may have in your hands tomorrow or who may save your life with your well stocked basic first aid kit.

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The Importance Of Having A First Aid Manual Around The Home

Imagine that it is about eight o’clock in the evening and your little boy is experiencing abdominal pain. Nothing can be more heart-wrenching than to see your child suffering. Would you know the difference between a possible appendicitis attack, constipation or simply something he ate that did not agree with him. Or, if your husband became dizzy. Would you know how to tell the difference between something minor that was affecting his equilibrium or if the dizziness was a symptom of something more serious?

Having a first aid manual available is certainly not a substitute for treating an illness. Nor should consulting a first aid manual cause any delay in seeking medical attention.

However, having a first aid manual available around the home can help you to determine how to treat minor injuries in addition to be an invaluable educational resource.

How To Manual

First of all, it is important to reiterate that a first aid manual is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. However, a first aid manual can be a tremendous resource by being a how to manual.

This how to instruction can help to identify what to do when injuries are obvious. Some of these injuries could include a nosebleed, what to do when a loved one may be choking on a piece of food or what to do in the event of a minor burn. If summoning medical help, any actions taken prior to their arrival may provide the necessary life saving moments required until help arrives.

A good first aid manual will inform you step-by-step as to what first aid measures you can take. A quality manual will also provide illustrations that depict the various levels of the injury; an example would be burns, and what can be done right away if professional medical help needs to be sought.

It is also important to remember that not all accidents happen conveniently near a medical facility. For example, a vacation or camping trip could be the scene of a medical emergency. Having a first aid manual available during these times could be the difference between saving a life or preventing even further damage.

Educational Resource

A first aid manual will also serve as an educational resource for your entire family. Medical emergencies are unexpected and as such are not planned. Therefore, it is important that the family is prepared at all times to respond to medical emergencies within the home.

Simply teaching your children the importance of dialing 911 can be a basic life saving lesson. Also, it would be prudent for the adults in the home to become acquainted with the first aid manual.

A good idea may include the anticipation of certain emergencies that may occur around the home. Some of these emergencies could include a child being burned, falling and hitting their head, getting their fingers jammed in a door, ingesting a poison, animal bites, etc. Preparing and practicing in advance is an excellent strategy in providing for your family’s safety.

Putting Together Your First Aid Kit For Dogs

Pets are simply adorable and a pleasure to have around; they relax you naturally whenever you spend time with them as well as make you a better person by taking care of them. Dogs especially are known to be man’s best friend for a reason – unconditional love and devotion.

While your dog friend would do anything for you and your safety should you not do the same for him or her? A first aid kit for dogs is the first thing you should invest in right after you have acquired your best friend in order to assure you will be able to assist your friend in time of need.

What Does A First Aid Kit For Dogs Contain

It is important that you make a label which should be placed on your first aid kit for dogs that has clear description of your dog with his or her name and pet ID number, phone number of the veterinarian and/or other canine emergency numbers.

If your dog is suffering of any preexisting medical conditions, you should write it down, it may save your dog’s life in case of emergency and when you are not around. Here are a few things that your first aid kit for dogs should contain: Betadine or similar for cleaning open wounds, bandages of all sizes, pain killers and antihistamine tables as well as activated charcoal or Ipecac, which helps with food poisoning cases, something that happens often in dogs.

Cotton balls and swabs, canine thermometer, scissors, analgesic cream and spray, gloves for protecting your hands when performing first aid, pectin for diarrhea and a muzzle, you never know when you may need one. If your dog is in extreme pain, he/she may bite in order to protect himself/herself therefore a muzzle will come handy.

If possible try to fit a thermal blanket as well in your first aid kit for dogs; it will help keep your dog warm in case he or she is down due to a physical injury especially in cold weather when loosing body heat could cost your pet’s life.

Helpful Tip

There are many other things you can add to your first aid kit for dogs but, keep it always close by especially on trips and/or camping adventures where you may get injured and someone else may access the dog’s first aid kit and will need all the provided information in order to safe your dog’s life.

Help Your Pet by Knowing First Aid For Cats

Many of the items found in your family’s first aid kit can be used to provide first aid for cats. You should add a rectal or ear thermometer. A cat’s temperature should be between 100 degrees and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sterile gauze pads, four inches by four inches as well as white surgical tape for bandages should be available as well as self-stick bandages, the type that stick to themselves without tape. Hydrogen peroxide is an important part of first aid for cats to help clean wounds. Alcohol can also be used, but you know how it burns so you may not want to use it on a cat.

Cotton balls or cotton swabs can be used to help clean any injuries as needed and do not forget a pillowcase to help hold your cat while administering treatment. Strips of cotton fabric can be used as a muzzle to help hold your cat’s mouth shut. The feline will not understand first aid for cats and may attempt to bite you.

If you take your cat outside, it can be the target for insect bites and hydrocortisone cream can help ease its discomfort. Tongue depressors and tape work well as first aid for cats, for splints if you believe a bone is broken. This makeshift splint can be used until you can get the animal to the veterinarian.

An emergency ice pack should be kept in your freezer and if needed can be wrapped in a towel before putting it on your cat. Other items you may need to supply first aid for cats are antiseptic lotion to clean wounds and towels to help dry or hold the frightened and injured animal.

Try To Know What You Are Doing

First aid for cats is a little different from for people so having access to a first aid for cats manual on hand may also be a good idea. Along with a heating pad to help warm and comfort the cat, a plastic eyedropper for administering medications and latex gloves should also be available.

No matter how thick your towels and pillowcase, you probably should not attempt first aid for cats if they are living in the wild. A small scratch or bite from a feral feline can land you in the hospital with a bacterial blood infection. If not immediately treated it can cause serious health problems and even death.