Understanding How To Administer First Aid For Burn Treatment

Burns are not an unusual injury in households, particularly in bathroom and kitchen accidents. The key to effective first aid burn treatment is the ability to assess how severe the burn is, and then taking appropriate action. There are three degrees of burns, and first aid treatment varies depending on which degree you are dealing with. If the burn is extremely severe or covers a large area, immediate medical assistance may be required. For minor burns and many burns that are no larger than an inch or two in diameter, first aid burn treatment at home may be all that is required. The differences between the various degrees of burns are the size of the area that has been affected and the extent of the damage to body tissues.

First Aid Treatment For First Degree Burns

First degree burns only affect the top layer of skin, and are the easiest to treat at home. The first step in the first aid treatment of a first degree burn is to cool the burned area by holding it under cold water or applying a cold compress until the pain subsides. Use cold water only – never use ice. Cooling the area right away will help reduce swelling. The next step is to cover the burned area by loosely placing a gauze wrap over it. This will protect the affected area and alleviate the pain of the burn. Finally, you can administer a pain reliever like acetaminophen if necessary. It is not necessary to rub anything on the burn itself.

First Aid Treatment Of More Serious Burns

Large second degree burns and all third degree burns will probably require immediate medical attention. If the burn is severe, the first step is to call for emergency help. You can then assess the victim to determine if there is any first aid burn treatment that you can use while waiting for help. Never put cold water on a major burn, since this could put your victim into shock. Do not remove any burnt clothing from the burn victim. Cover the area with a clean gauze bandage or moist towels, and check the person for signs of circulation. If there is no sign of breathing, begin CPR immediately.

With some quick thinking and fast first aid burn treatment, you can help a victim of a burn until emergency services arrive. Keep bandages in your house for an emergency involving burns and a first aid manual that can guide you through first aid burn treatment.